News from the Pipemaking Workshop with the Funk.
Talbert Pipes Website - Kentucky Fried Popcorn - My Web Comic.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

A Bit of Social Network Re-Alignment

So, a couple of months ago I wrote a detailed blog piece about social networks, and their value to a pipemaker (or really anyone working as a self-employed artisan marketing their own wares).  Things change fast in the world of social networking, and today I find myself having to do more pick-and-choosing with my time.  At the time I wrote the original article, I had active accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Chime.  However, this past month has seen me setting up an ongoing web comic of my own, and that has eaten seriously into my social networking time.  The KFP web comic is mainly a labor of love and fun, something to do outside of my professional work where I don't have to make a living at it.  It is still, however, a fairly big time sink to keep it updated in a vaguely timely manner, and this has definitely impacted my participation on my social networks.

The easy one to drop was Pinterest, which didn't interest me much to start with (See my comments in my previous post on the subject).  Google+ was the other casualty.  I still maintain a business presence there, but I've virtually stopped posting random notes, updates, and the personal chatter I used to.  Some people might very well prefer it this way!  I don't feel I can afford to drop it completely simply for its marketing reach, so I'll continue posting notices of website updates and pipe previews there - It's just that my participation will be cut down a good bit.  G+ seems to be going dead for me anyway...  More and more, it's like an empty cavern.  These days I can go for a week without checking my G+ account, but my Chime account is overflowing with notices every day.

So here's how things stand now -

My Personal Facebook page.  Follow me here if you want random chatter.  I rarely post pipe stuff to my personal FB account.  It's mostly a stream of nonsense about movies, geek trivia, video reviews, cartooning, etc.  If you are interested primarily in my pipe work, you need to follow...

My Facebook Talbert Pipes page.  100% pipe-related news.  Pipe previews, work in process, website update notices, and pic galleries.

My G+ Talbert Pipes page.  The same as the FB business page above, though not updated as often.  Still gets notices of all website catalog updates, though.

My Twitter Talbert Pipes page.  Strictly website update notices and occasional preview pics.  Also a bit of casual, pipe-related chatter, but I'm not one of the people who updates his Twitter feed hourly... or daily, or sometimes even weekly...

Beyond business, friends can also find me here -

My page.  I love Chime, seriously.  It's far and away my favorite social network, and my daily feed is always filled with all sorts of interesting stuff.  My Chime account is dedicated strictly to Kentucky Fried Popcorn-related posts, so don't go there looking for pipe stuff because I don't post any business news there at all.  Chime is just for fun, for me.  What I DO post are movie reviews, web comic stuff, macabre humor, and a lot of random horror movie stuff.  I suppose it is safe to say that Chime is where I geek out after a long day in the workshop.

My Web Comic.  100% written and drawn by Yours Truly.  This is what I do for my spare time fun.  The comic chronicles the ongoing adventures of a bunch of 70's kids who build a time machine for watching movies from the future.  Think Calvin & Hobbes with a sci fi/horror twist.

My Movie Reviews.  Dedicated to my own written reviews of the weird crap I find on Netflix.  There's a wee bit of pipe chat sometimes, but primarily it's dedicated to commentary on films about giant man-eating Korean pig monsters.  And other equally amusing cinematic joys.

And that's it.  For the moment, at least!

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