In today's pic, Robot is helping me show off a recent tobacco that caught my attention. As one might imagine, I sample a lot of pipe tobaccos each year - I experiment crazily enough on my own, plus pipe friends from all over the world send me the occasional package of tins to try. This sounds like great fun, and it is, but it does have one side-effect - One gets jaded.
After the tenth year and millionth new blend, they do start to meld together, with each new English pretty much tasting just like all the others, with only slight variance in smokiness. This isn't to say I'm bored with them, it's simply that it becomes that much harder for any single blend to really stand out and catch my attention. However, this tin of Gawith's Balkan Flake did just that.... Damn, what a great tobacco!
"Deliciously Cool" is, for once, a completely accurate statement - I don't think I've met a tobacco that was this bite-free and smooth on the tongue since 1792. But this is sooo smooth... The best I can do is describe this as the Guinness Stout of pipe tobaccos - Rich, thick, almost chocolatey, and so flowing and lacking in harsh edges that you barely even realize you're smoking it. All you experience is this pleasantly full beer-like flavor. Really excellent - After finishing my first tin, I know I'll be seeking out more of this in future. Definitely a ten.
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